11 October 2017

DL in production

Text+Image recognition Trends spotting and analysis for Fashion and Beauty

  1. Tag Images(hat, jacket, handbag)
  2. Detect objects(marks)

Q: Model trained end2end? A: Seperately to assure the quality of each model

Transfer Learning

TF+Keras Docker GPU for training CPU/GPU for prod

ResNet, Inception, DenseNet pre-trained models + fine-tuning

Q: Retrain the whole model or only the last layer? A: whole

Q: On-line Learning? A: Yes

Q: Pricing in Training Data ? A: Yes

Manage classes

Thesaurus: one entry point for each class when adding new classes, influence all model

Pipeline Test Data totally external from train/valid set

Re-label => consistency strong label for training


Data => Kafka => DL(models) => Kafka(metadata) => indexing Kafka based => Decoupling + Robustness + Queue monitoring + Scalability

Two machines with GPU => Kafka

Send ack(commit) only after the processing to avoid crushing during processing

for one partiion, we can only have one consumer, but not reversely

timer => how long it takes to process each batch

Kafka lag

Nvidia-Docker => use GPU

Eg. Efficient LSTM TF XLA spotting instances discount

Learning plateform

generate exercises for personalized homework

aim: understand what the students know, and how well do they know

Word2Vec to measure the difficulty level of exercises

LSTM fot all diff categories, students, exercises, subjects, etc.

Time to respond as a feature to decide difficulty of exercise.



20, 21, 22 Nov lpma-paris.fr/dlhpc

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