Text classification
Reponse automatique aux mails prevention data leakage
Information extraction
Text summarization/NLG
résumé extractif avec LexRank(Gunes Erkan 2004)
résumé abstractif
syntaxique sémantique
how to define the notion of importance?
comment bien evaluer un resume?
ask same questions to original article and resume, see if answers are similar. Open-domain QA
Document retriever Bi-LSTM GloVe to represent words autogenerated question
define question generating policies
AFP articles
procedure where humain control => QG PyTorch
Predictive AI, future of human to machine interactions
real-time context of user privacy => a lot in the device, some other in remote server micro moments, the first few pages that the person is looking at
dataset => scrapping web pages
Benchmarking NLU system(resource-intensive)
github/snipsco/nlu-benchmark @snips Everything runs on device, to protect personal data. can’t use data to improve algo
7 intent 5 NLU engines up to 2000 queries/intent 10-70 queries for training 100 queries for test
alice coucke